On Hereditary: Between Hype and Horror
Courtesy Elevation Pictures.
I didn't love Hereditary. So I brought in Film Critic Adam Nayman to play counsellor and walk me through those feelings.
We discuss the film and its relationship to "Elevated Horror", the hype and comparisons to William Friedkin's The Exorcist, the branding from the cool kids at A24, and the wide gap in reception between RottenTomatoes (currently 92%) and CinemaScore (D+).
This is an exhaustive, spoiler-heavy look at a film some are calling the scariest movie in decades.
Follow Adam Nayman on Twitter and keep up with his writing in Cinemascope, The Ringer, Reverse Shot, Sight and Sound and Little White Lies.
Also order yourself a copy of Adam's book, Ben Wheatley: Confusion and Carnage, which is not unrelated to the current discussion. Also (and this is unrelated), preorder Adam's new book, The Coen Brothers: This Book Really Ties the Films Together.
I don't write books so just follow me on Twitter and right here at www.justsayrad.com